The difference between this and the dot com bubble is that a lot more of the value will go to the established tech players. They're integrating the new AI breakthroughs into Google Photos and Adobe Photoshop. Companies are salivating at the thought of replacing 90% of their staff with an a few GPUs. There will still be some successes from this batch of startups, but a lot of's whose lunch will get eaten by Microsoft or whoever else.
Oh also, the "Brandon Hunter Useless" article probably used AI to reword someone else's article, but that's not why it's so badly written. They're using another program after the first one to combat plagiarism detectors (and maybe AI detectors) which replaces certain words with what it thinks are synonyms. The AI probably wrote "a highly regarded highschool basketball player" which gets mangled into "a extremely regarded highschool basketball participant".
The difference between this and the dot com bubble is that a lot more of the value will go to the established tech players. They're integrating the new AI breakthroughs into Google Photos and Adobe Photoshop. Companies are salivating at the thought of replacing 90% of their staff with an a few GPUs. There will still be some successes from this batch of startups, but a lot of's whose lunch will get eaten by Microsoft or whoever else.
Oh also, the "Brandon Hunter Useless" article probably used AI to reword someone else's article, but that's not why it's so badly written. They're using another program after the first one to combat plagiarism detectors (and maybe AI detectors) which replaces certain words with what it thinks are synonyms. The AI probably wrote "a highly regarded highschool basketball player" which gets mangled into "a extremely regarded highschool basketball participant".
You missed "self-driving" in the list of technology doesn't feel like it’s going anywhere. Lots of hype, no beef.